Largo sostenuto - What do you MEAN it's not listed anymore

Work, jobs, applications, cover letters, mindless temp work involving a computer screen stealing your soul, ALL for that which rules the world: Money. The tiresome process of finding something so coveted. This goal of the "perfect" occupation. Does it exist? And if so, how does one effectively "sell themselves" into this position? I find that most everyone places an over-exaggerated twist on everything they claim to have done. How tricksy.

Cut, paste, type, think, stop... No matter how I phrase these letters of introduction it all comes out the same, and in the world today how do you differentiate 1500 cookie cutouts? The realization that this process could possibly go on for far longer than I would appreciate is daunting. This very monotonous process. It's only day two...

Battles - HI / LO

Writing, tweaking, sending, waiting, lather, rinse, repeat. Oh the dreary repetitiveness...and when you feel you've reached the finale, it returns ever so steadily, and

1 comment:

S A R EE N said...

sigh ain't it the truth.
Cash Rules Everything Around Me.

everyday i'm hustlin'